Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Well, I've been benched......was it not listening to my body, attempting to push, or was it just inevitable?  Whatever the cause, I've got pneumonia and I am now officially riding the pine pony bench of a couch in efforts to get back to the miles.  I've felt so bad I can't even be frustrated!  My hubby knew something was up when I was sleeping until 7:45..which never ever happens especially because the dogs don't want to allow it.  Today, I'm feeling better, hopeful, and thinking I might give the treadmill a slow ride today....later though.

Here is what I am learning.....

1) Run Far Girl is having a kick ass give away and today's question is "What is your hardest hill?"  Well, besides that wicked long, steep hill there on Wiltsey?  I believe my hill that I work on continually is "the hill of comparison".  I go to races that see women running 7 minute miles and I think "damn, what is wrong with me?"  Total honest confession.....my goal at the last pneumonia inducing race was to NOT FINISH LAST...with a close second goal of FINISH BEFORE THE VOLUNTEERS LEAVE (or before they run out of hot buttered rum!).  Running has me looking within......finding me and not worrying about the world while I do it.  There are days where this goes great...and days I utter fail: Very hilly!

2) I don't do sick well......

3) It is what it is...cliche.....and I will be better for it.  I feel the pressure of wanting to keep my strength to finish under 13 minute miles for the half I am doing at Disney.  I wonder about what role my head will play in this.  I've been taking the benched time to participate mentally in a running form improvement program....visualizing and trying to learn good and proper form.  I believe the mental training is just as important as the real work......as I've learned through my sheepdogs.  And so I begin to delve into this idea with my running.......can I run a 10 minute mile for a half marathon as the years go by??  I'm going to give it every opportunity to be true.

My son plays college football......we talk a lot about mental management.  I've watched him mature into the player he is today...he lives this!  He, too, was benched with an injury this past August....but all his work, physical and mental has taken him to offensive player of the game.  He lives this; I can too.  Off time can make me stronger!

Here is an interview my son did.....I post it because  just darn right love it!:

Jake's post game interview with ESPN

Seize the day!

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